
What stops us from growing

Are we the victims of an unjust and superficial world, or are we the makers of it?

If we were honest with ourselves, we would realise that we are rising to power the monsters within. From politics to healing and spiritual teachings, if we took an honest look, we’d realise that the world’s state of affairs is the mirror of our collective drives.

No matter from what angle you approach humanity, there is one paradox that is shared by all humans: the constant need for change, pleasure and inspiration in a way that would not threaten the status quo, our beliefs system and the comfort of our mental and emotional routines.

The much-praised democracy of our times is nothing but the means through which we express our hidden face. With every act we do, we vote to power those that can enact our secret inner drives: commodity, frivolity and lack of responsibility.

The fact that we have a Trump at the helm of a nation that used to be the new star of Bethlehem is just a natural symptom, like that of a pimple as a result of the body’s toxicity caused by ingesting crappy foods and having, as a result, a lazy self-regulating system. And everybody who has been on a crappy diet for a while would tell you that the body will crave nothing more than more crappy food, and will continue to create more ugly pimples.

“We need to change the system; something has to change…”

We are the system! We have given it life through our likes and dislikes. In a world that prides itself on the free expression of one’s will, we lived the day to bear witness to this will’s children.

There would be no dehumanising, degrading television shows and tabloids if there would be no human need and desire for dirt. There would be no Big Pharma, no fake healers and gurus promising you “love and light”, reconnecting you with your departed or cleaning your karma for you, if there would be no need and desire for a quick fix done by others, exempting you from any responsibility and change. There would be no depopulation agenda, no “powers that be”, no illuminati, if we would exercise self-restraint, common sense, and dedicate our lives to improving ourselves tirelessly. Instead, we point fingers and carry on doing the same thing over and over again, waiting, meditating and praying for miracles.

This paradox is really evident in the world of personal development, spirituality and healing.

During one of my training courses in alternative medicine, I was asked by a fellow attendee what industry was I in. Besides being taken aback by his ridiculous question, I struggled for words to respond: “Ahmm, no industry, unless you consider helping people heal, grow and evolve an industry. If that were the case, I would cut it down to healing. “Wrong answer, my friend!” replied unimpressed my colleague, “You are in marketing!” Huh? “No matter what you do, how good you are, if people don’t buy it, it won’t matter. And for that, you have to play by the bible of marketing.” “And what is that?” came my half annoyed, half bewildered question.

“You have to tell it as they like to hear it, and give it to them as they like it!” came his overly satisfied specialist advice.

And this message kept coming at me. Attending one of Tony Robbins seminars, I heard this same message bouncing from a different angle: “People don’t want to change or to heal. People want to be entertained, and I give them that!”

And there you have it! From the mouth of the top specialists in human motivation.

A book is not published, a film is not made, a cure, a therapeutic approach is not “mainstream” unless it bows to the “marketing bible”, which is nothing but the codex of your secret likes and dislikes.

You don’t want to improve; you just want to get rid of your problems by changing an illusion for another, and you are working tirelessly at giving it birth. Every day a new specialist pops up from that stew ready to comply with your expectations: How to get rid of stress, anger, x, y z, in 5 minutes. How to open your third eye, trigger your kundalini, contact your dead relatives, your guides. How to make 10 K a month and win best-paying clients. How to breathe, how to laugh, how to eat, how to sleep, how to have a better life by doing little, if anything at all! Sickening memes of wisdom that comply with your reading attention span rule the day on social media. Yet, how many who share them have actually sat down and applied them, tested them and came up with their own experience of what they have shared? Everybody wants to be inspired, but very few are willing to live in a way that would inspire others. Everybody wants to get rid of their problems, to become more “spiritual”, to gain greater knowledge and power, as long as it’s fast, it doesn’t take effort, and it’s cheap. Let’s face it; what you want is cultural and spiritual porn!

In a world that thrives on illusion, telling it as it is, it is both a crime and a suicide, and since I am a therapist and a spiritual teacher, I am well aware that this could rub you the wrong way.

Yes, I’ve heard you! You expect me to tell you what you want to hear, when you want to hear it, and the way you want it. I should tell you positive fluffs. I should tell you that all is going to be just fine, that help is on its way, that the Andromedans, Pleiadians, enlightened masters, angels, saints and “the Universe” will come to your rescue. That you are special and loved “just the way you are”, and to gently tap you on your hand encouraging you to carry on just like until now, and never lose faith that the good energies are at work to save humanity, but especially you. That I should demonstrate a rock emotional numbness and spiritual stoicism when met with dishonesty and lack of moral values because this is what you expect from those whom you wait to change the world, or at least your world.

But you know what? Screw that! I rather be ostracised by you than by my conscience. I have a message and I am going to deliver it, whether you like it or not.

Don’t expect me to comply with your expectations. If you knew what was best for you, collectively, we would not be in the mess we are, and you would need no one to heal, inspire and motivate you. If positive fluff had been the answer, we would throw flowers at each other, bake cakes and give each other the best of who we are. Instead, we compete with one another, try to get as much as we can, from whom we can, the way we want it, and the rest be damned!

I’m not in the entertainment business. I won’t bend over trying to inspire and motivate you with things that you want to hear, at the length of a meme. Although I will keep doing those too, as a courtesy, hoping that little bites of information will open your appetite for a full-length process.

I won’t post daily just because this is what the trend demands to keep you “engaged” and collect your likes. I would post when I have something meaningful to say, and that takes time and courage to live through the pains of life, to swim in the belly of the beast, to find ways of defeating it, daily, to digest the lessons and then be able to give you the results. I never did, never will write or speak using other people’s books or ideas.

When I have something valuable to teach and offer you (like books, seminars, programmes), I will say it directly, without having to trick you with useless “free online seminars” just to get your emails to then spam you to nausea. Neither will apologise for the fact that my work, just like yours, needs to be adequately recompensed.

And if in servicing honesty and decency would earn me the medal of unpopularity, so be it! At least I’ll die knowing that I have served the message unyieldingly and that I’ve lived with integrity, no matter the costs.

The question is, are you ready to do the same to help change the course towards self-extinction that humanity is on?


Graţiela Roșu – C.W.S. Coaching*

Author of Conversations With Self, God, Consciousness And Existence Revealed


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